Jesus Parables

Parables Of Jesus;

1 Lamp Under a Basket 2 A Wise Man Builds on Rock and a Fool on Sand

3 New Cloth on and Old Garment 4 New Wine in Old Wineskins

5 The Sower 6 The Tares [Weeds] 7 The Mustard Seed 8 The Leaven

9 The Hidden Treasure 10 The Pearl of Great Price 11 The Dragnet

12 The Householder 13 The Lost Sheep 14 The Unforgiving Servant

15 The Workers in the Vineyard 16 The Two Sons 17 The Wicked Tenants

18 The Wedding Feast 19 The Fig Tree 20 The Ten Virgins 21 The Talents

22 The Growing Seed 23 The Watchful Porter24 The Creditor and Two Debtors

25 The Good Samaritan 26 A Friend in Need 27 The Rich Fool

28 The Faithful and Wise Servant 29 Faithful and Wicked Steward

30 The Barren Fig Tree31 The Lowest Seat32 Building a Tower and Making War

33 The Lost Coin. 34 The Lost Son 35 The Shrewd Manager

36 The Rich Man and Lazarus 37 Unworthy Servants 38 The Persistent Widow

39 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector 40 The Minas [Pounds]

Entry into God's Kingdom---

God's Concern for the Lost---

Prerequisite Attitudes to Enter God's Kingdom

Placing Value on Eternal Things


Application Oriented Faith


Sufficient Information to Enter God's Kingdom