Jesus Parables

Parables Of Jesus;

1 Lamp Under a Basket 2 A Wise Man Builds on Rock and a Fool on Sand

3 New Cloth on and Old Garment 4 New Wine in Old Wineskins

5 The Sower 6 The Tares [Weeds] 7 The Mustard Seed 8 The Leaven

9 The Hidden Treasure 10 The Pearl of Great Price 11 The Dragnet

12 The Householder 13 The Lost Sheep 14 The Unforgiving Servant

15 The Workers in the Vineyard 16 The Two Sons 17 The Wicked Tenants

18 The Wedding Feast 19 The Fig Tree 20 The Ten Virgins 21 The Talents

22 The Growing Seed 23 The Watchful Porter24 The Creditor and Two Debtors

25 The Good Samaritan 26 A Friend in Need 27 The Rich Fool

28 The Faithful and Wise Servant 29 Faithful and Wicked Steward

30 The Barren Fig Tree31 The Lowest Seat32 Building a Tower and Making War

33 The Lost Coin. 34 The Lost Son 35 The Shrewd Manager

36 The Rich Man and Lazarus 37 Unworthy Servants 38 The Persistent Widow

39 The Pharisee and the Tax Collector 40 The Minas [Pounds]

Entry into God's Kingdom---

God's Concern for the Lost---

Prerequisite Attitudes to Enter God's Kingdom

Placing Value on Eternal Things


Application Oriented Faith


Sufficient Information to Enter God's Kingdom

Jesus Crucifiction

The Year Jesus Of Nazareth Was Crucified----
The Anno Domini system was developed by a monk named Dionysius Exiguus born in Rome in 525, as an outcome of his work on calculating the date of Easter.

33 AD is a commonly accepted date, In this year it was Friday April 3rd.

33 AD give or take 4 years, AD in English means in the year of our Lord. In the month of Nisan, [Last half of March, First half of April]on the Jewish calendar because their months consisted of only 30 days, the date that Witnesses celebrates the Lord's Evening Meal or The Memorial of Christ's Death, the date changes every year.

Jesus and his apostles were celebrating the Jewish Passover [the night the Jews were freed from Egypt] when Jesus changed the yearly celebration for Christians Now he would be the Sacrificial Lamb whose blood caused the Angel of Death 'Pass Over" the Jewish households, when destroying the first born of all Egypt.

The date for Easter celebrations changes every year as well, though this holiday celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus, not his death.

Jesus Crucifiction---
Hanging on a cross was the most disgraceful, agonizing and cruel form of death penalty. In the times of Romans, such a death penalty was imposed only on the most hardened criminals. The torture of crucified man is impossible to describe. Besides unbearable pain in every part of the body, the crucified underwent the ordeal of terrible thirst and spiritual suffering until dead. The chiefs of the Jews wanted to disgrace Jesus Christ forever by condemning him to such a death.

The Reason------
Jesus came with his followers to Jerusalem during the Passover festival. He was involved in a public disturbance at the Temple in Jerusalem when he over turned the tables of the money changers there. At some point later, he was betrayed by one of his apostles, Judas, Iscariot, leading to his arrest. The Romans ruled the city and the Jewish authorities of the city had to arrest people in order to obey Roman orders t5o maintain the peace Jesus disciples went into hiding after he was arrested. Later he was sentenced to death by crucifixion.

The Suffering-----
When they brought Jesus Christ to Golgotha, the soldiers offered him sour wine to drink. mingled with bitter substances to lessen the suffering. The Lord, when he tasted it did not wish to drink it. he did not want to lessen the suffering. This suffering, he took upon himself voluntarily for the sins of all people, thus, he wanted to bear it consciously to the end. He was beaten by Roman soldiers, scourged, stripped and nailed to the cross.

Final Hours-----
When all was ready, the soldiers crucified Jesus Christ. It was about midday, by Jewish reckoning the sixth hour of the day. When they crucified him, he prayed for his tormentors, saying "Father forgive them, for they know not what they do." He was crucified between two robbers, and died.

Miracles Of Jesus Christ

Changing water into wine---
The first miracle of Jesus took place in the village of Cana, in Galilee. Jesus, his mother Mary, and his disciples were quests at a wedding. The wine supply ran out, and through the urging of his mother, Jesus had six water pots filled to the brim with water. He then had the master of ceremonies taste the water that was now wine. The master of ceremonies then called the bridegroom over and said to him, "Everyone serves the good wine first, and then the inferior wine after the quests have become drund. But you have kept the good wine until now.

Healing Of The Possessed Man in Capemaum----
As Jesus was preaching in a Synagogue in Capernaum, a man possessed by a demon was present and began shouting. "Why are you bothering us, Jesus of Nazareth-have you come to destroy us demons? I know who you are- the Holy Son of God' Jesus commanded the demon to say no more and to come out of the man. The evil spirit screamed and convulsed the man violently and left him. The news of this miracle spread quickly through the entire area of Galilee.

Healing Of Peter's Mother-In-Law---After Jesus healed the possessed man in the synagogue in Capernaum, He and his disciples went over Simon and Andrews home, where they found Simons mother-in-law sick in bed with a high fever. Jesus took her by the hand and helped her sit up, the fever suddenly left, and she got up and prepared dinner for them.

Healing a Leper---
After preaching the 'Sermon on the Mount ' Jesus came down the hillside followed by a large crowd. A leper approached him, knelt before him worshiping, and pleaded, ' If you want to, You can heal me" Jesus touched the man, and said to him "I want to be healed" And instantly the leper was healed.

Raising a Window's Son----
Approaching the town of Nain, the dead and only son o a widow, was being carried out when Jesus saw this He had compassion for the widow and told her not to weep. He then touched the bier and said "Young man, I say to you, Rise, The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. The people seeing this, glorified God, and the word about him spread through Judea, and all the surrounding country.

Healing Two Blind Men----
Two blind men followed Jesus, crying loudly, "Have mercy on us, Son of David "Jesus said to them' "Do you believe i am able to do this? "They said to him, "Yes Lord "Then he touched their eyes and said "According to your faith let it be done to you. 'And their eyes were opened. Then Jesus sternly ordered them "See that no one knows of this. But they went away and spread the news about him throughout that district.

Healing a Mute Demoniac----
After the two healed blind men in miracle 15 left, a demoniac who was mute was brought to Jesus, And when Jesus cast the demon out, the one who had been mute spoke, and the crowds were amazed and said they had never seen anything like this in Israel.

Catching A Fish With A Coin In Its Mouth----
When they reached Capernaum the tax collectors came to Peter and asked "Does your teacher not pay the Temple tax? "Peter said "Yes he does. "And when he came home, Jesus spoke of the tax first and told Peter to "Go to the sea and cast a hook, take the first fish that comes up, and when you open his mouth, you will find a coin, take that and give it to them for you and me"

Jesus Christ himself was a miracle from the manner of his birth, to his resurrection, and everything in between, he lived a wonderfully miraculous life entirely unlike any other human. Below is a listing of just a few of the recorded public miracles that he performed during his ministry.

1 A paralyzed man

2 A Deaf man

3 A woman who had been crippled for 18 years

4 10 people with leprosy

5 Malchus ear after peter sliced it off with a sword


A Large catch of fish

Calming the storm on the sea of Galilee

Walking on the water

Feeding of the 5000

Domon Possession---

2 demon possessed men in the region of the Gadarenes. The demons went into a herd of pigs that then ran into the lake and were drowned

The Canaanite woman's daughter

The epileptic boy with a demon

Raised From The Dead---

Jairu's daughter

The widow's only son at Nain

Lazarus at Bethany.