Jesus Christ My Saviour----
In order to make any honest examination of the person of Jesus Christ, one must first come to grips with the fact of his reality. No ancient historian gives evidence of any doubt concerning the reality of Jesus. That many of these were antagonistic towards Christianity. He alone is the Saviour of mankind.
Jesus Christ, My Saviour---
If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also... He is God, He is the Creator, He is the Saviour, He is as Man, May the mind of Christ, my Saviour, live in me from day to day, by his love and power controlling, all i do and say May the word of God dwell richly, in my heart from hour to hour, so that all may see i triumph... Nay the peace of God my Father, Rule my life in everything, That i may be calm to comfort.
Face To Face With Christ My Saviour----
Face to face with christ my saviour, Face to face--what will it be? When with rapture i behold him, Jesus Christ who died for me...Face to face-- oh, blissful moment Face to face--to see and know, Face to face with my Redeemer, Jesus Christ who loves me so.
Jesus Christ My Personal Saviour--
You are saved if you have confessed by faith that Jesus Christ died for your sins, and therefore is your personal lord and saciour....Key words by FAITH [believing it to be true, something that is unseen, you know is true, because you believe it,... This is fantastic, especially given the shape of my heart in recent times.
Salvation Through Christ---
FORGIVENESS, We cannot have eternal life without God's forgiveness...,In Jesus Christ we have redemption through his blood... I believe you died for my sin, and only through faith in your death and resurrection can i be forgiven, I want to turn from my sin and ask you to come into my heart.
Jesus Christ--My Lord And Saviour
My God is a faithful God... Glory to Jesus My Saviour. He never lets anyone down and he will not put his people to shame. My Saviour's church is evidence of his faithfulness.
My Saviour, Jesus---
My Saviour Jesus Christ... I believe in the risen Saviour Jesus Christ, who according to the Bible is the one true way and light to the God in Heaven. No one is worthy, But God sent his son to redeem mankind and be a substitution for sin.